
Spring Client Talk - Lameness

Our hugely anticipated spring client talk is now just around the corner - Tuesday 31st March 2020 will be an evening of all things lameness!


All things eyes....!

This weeks blog has been inspired by the several eye cases we've had over the last few weeks! We'll go through some of the common eye conditions we see and why it is so important for them to be checked by a vet....


Three diseases your overweight horse has a higher risk of.

According to recent studies over 50% of horses in the UK are overweight. I can easily believe this as myself and the team at Ridings Equine Vets take our role in educating horse owners about weight loss very seriously. It's not an easy task to get horses to lose weight and sometimes it may seem like there is no reward for such hard efforts. So I thought it would be useful to look at some of the problems that overweight horses are more likely to suffer from...


Equine Choke

We regularly see horses with choke - including a couple recently, so here is some information for anyone who wants to know more!
What is choke?
Choke is any condition - usually a blockage - that stops food and saliva passing


My 2020 plan for healthy horses!

2020 is just around the corner! Every year we make new year resolutions which invariably last a few weeks then they are forgotten! This year, instead of resolutions I'm making a plan. I'm going to plan how I can make sure my two horses Charlie and Clover have a healthy, sound and peak performing year


What to do if your horse gets colic

Colic is a word that puts the fear of god among horse owners. Although we see colic cases all year round, winter often has a peak especially when the weather gets really cold. So, what should you do if you horse gets colic? Here is my top 10 do’s and don’ts:


Time to Think About Encysted Redworm

It's time to start thinking about encysted redworm and what that means for our horses and their worming programmes. Being one of the most serious types of worm infection it's important to know the facts!


What NOT to do if your horse has a wound!

This week we're preparing for our Autumn Client Talk on wounds and first aid and I've been reflecting on the wounds I have attended this year. I realised that owners probably don't realise that what they do to the wound prior to the vet arriving on the scene can have a dramatic effect on the outcome. While we will have some great tips on what you should do I think what NOT to do is far more important, so here goes...


Avoiding Fireworks Frenzy

This time of year can bring lots of stress and worry for us with bangs and flashes sending our horses into a state of fear and distress. Even the calmest horse may be put out by the unusual noises or smells of a bonfire. It seems like it can be never ending with displays and fireworks every single night for a matter of weeks, and we have it all to come again at new year as well. So what can you can to help minimise potential stress and injuries to your horse?

mud fever

Mud Fever Management

Sadly it is that time of year again! As we are out on yards the presence of rugs appearing, covered up greys and squelching can mean only one thing.... mud!

This weeks blog will be focusing on mud fever- with a few tips and tricks for prevention and management!

Critical Colic signs

Critical Colics - facts and figures!

Colic can be one of the most worrying, unexpected and usually develops very quickly with warning. In case it happens to you here is some information below which may help you make up your mind and plan what will happen if your horse unfortunately does get colic.
We of course really hope you will never need to use the information but it's important to be prepared for your horse just in case!


Why does my horse keep having a high worm egg count?

I was asked this question last week by a client that was feeling frustrated that recently their horse was having repeated high worm egg counts so in this week’s blog I thought I would explain some of the possible reasons why.