Around 40-60% of our client's horses are affected by Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) and keeping those horses healthy and working happily can be a challenge.
Around 40-60% of our client's horses are affected by Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) and keeping those horses healthy and working happily can be a challenge.
***£100 gastroscopy offer***
Friday 9th November 2018 @ Stapleton, Darrington
Did you know...?
The only way to definitively diagnose equine gastric ulcers is by gastroscopy...
The nights are drawing in and the mornings are feeling fresher, winter is just around the corner which means it’s time to think about your autumn worming plan.
Could your horse have gastric ulcers?
Gastric ulcers affect over 50% of horses and can affect any horse at any age. There are two forms of equine gastric ulcers; squamous ulcers and glandular ulcers. These two forms of the disease relate to the two regions of the equine stomach.
Liver disease in horses is relatively common, however there are many different potential underlying causes. As in humans, a horse's liver has huge reserve capacity.
I’m not sure what’s happened but all of a sudden, my pony seems to have turned into a woolly mammoth!
Having hairy horses during winter is inevitable, if you don’t do much ridden work it often won’t become a problem.
It’s that difficult time of year when its warm during the day but going off quite cool at night. This puts us in a difficult situation with management, specifically with regards rugging.
The old saying ‘no foot no horse’ couldn’t be more true and this time of year we are seeing a lot of lame horses due to foot problems. It looks like the long dry spell has come to an end
2018 has been a record breaking summer due to the weather, and it’s not over yet. The long hot dry spell has led to many horse owners worrying about hay and straw shortages this winter.
Has anyone else noticed an increase in the number of flies over the past week or so? I think the small amount of rain we have had, although much needed for the fields, has potentially caused fly numbers to increase.
What are gastric ulcers?
Equine gastric ulcer syndrome is a relatively common condition which affects a horse’s stomach lining. They occur due to a breakdown in the stomachs natural ability to protect itself from acid, which is constantly excreted as part of normal digestion.
RAGWORT CONTROL is difficult. The plant is very hardy and if you have a RAGWORT problem you need to devise an annual control program. It won't go away with one treatment.
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