
Training aids – help or hindrance?

There are many different types of training aids on the market and many different opinions on them too! This blog will hopefully give you a little more insight on what you should do if you are considering using them.

Training aids are most commonly used for the following reasons –

winter hoof care

Winter Hoof Care

Well we are finally have some frost and even some snow in Yorkshire this week! It's been very cold and the mud seems to be just about everywhere now. Changing conditions make it difficult for the foot to adapt quickly we are seeing a lots of conditions related to the weather such as foot abscesses, hoof wall cracks and thrush.

Equine Flu Poster

An update on Equine Flu

For everyone who came to our client night in December - you will be aware of how important controlling equine influenza (flu) is - we now have an update for 2019 flu cases: with four UK outbreaks diagnosed already


Safe Exercise in Cold Weather

The nights may be drawing out (yes, they really are!) but warm weather still feels very far away! Horse's are much more prone to injuries at this time of year, here's why:

horse trailer transport

Emergency transport - what's your plan?

A weekend on call reminded me recently of the importance of our clients having a plan on transporting their horse or pony in an emergency situation. Is it something you have thought about? Would you have transport available if your vet advised your horse needed moving urgently to a veterinary clinic, or referring as an emergency to an equine hospital? I remember when