Spring has finally made an appearance, it may be short lived now but I’m choosing to ignore the ‘beast from the east round 3’ rumour that is circulating.

Spring has finally made an appearance, it may be short lived now but I’m choosing to ignore the ‘beast from the east round 3’ rumour that is circulating.
Pre-purchase exams are a detailed examination of a horse you are looking to buy – we run through a number of set checks which include:
Finding out your horse has Equine Cushings Disease can be difficult and one of the biggest problems our clients have is getting their horses to eat the Prascend. Many horses will take it for a short period then stop and others can sense it a mile off. What works for one horse may not work for another so we've put together a list of suggestions to try if you're having problems getting your horse to take the tablets. Starting with the easiest...
All of the team at Ridings Equine Vets have owned horses so we know how special they are. We also know they can be expensive and it can sometimes be difficult to budget wisely for your horses’ healthcare.
Seeing a horse choke can be very distressing for owners and it is a common reason for us vets being called out to an emergency. Todays blog aims to explain why horses get choke, what the signs are and how both you as owners and us as vets can help prevent and manage this condition.
Spring worming advice for your horse or pony
Current advice on managing itchy, scabby, bald horses with lice
Do you know why it is so important to get your horses teeth checked regularly by a suitably qualified person? And who is suitably qualified and what are they looking for? What role does sedation play? All these questions and more are answered in todays blog. Anna x
BEVA #dontbreakyourvet
Equine health and safety
Equine injections
A little motivation to get us to Spring...
I don’t know about anybody else, but I find it so difficult to stay motivated throughout winter!?
Those 5:30am alarms, wet gloves, frozen fingers, lack of turnout and the issues that come hand in hand with that.
Many horse owners are struggling this time of year to maintain weight and condition in their horses and ponies. Ridings Equine Vets have put together a list of suggestions of feeds that can help owners achieve weight gain in their horses.
Ridings Equine Vets are seeing more and more cases of Strangles in the Yorkshire area. We have come up with ten tips to help horse owners prevent the disease.
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